The Family Friendly Study Room is ONLY for parents or caregivers who have children with them. Caregivers are responsible for their children’s safety and behavior. Children may not be left alone in the room for any reason at any time.
The room is available for drop in use or reservation from 8am until 9pm each day during the days the library is open 24 hours. The room is available on other days from open to close as applicable.
The security guard on duty unlocks the room as needed.
The room is not soundproof. Remind your children to respect others who are studying nearby by using a quiet voice.
Restrooms are located next door and in the TRC. They are equipped with changing stations.
A lactation room is available on first floor. Check out the key at the Security Desk.
Room features include:For questions or comments about the Family Room, please contact the Assistant Director for Public Services, Mark Sanders at